Boost That Immune System!With all the talk about the dangers of a compromised immune system, I thought it would be a great idea to deviate and to talk about how...
How the immune system works.While refreshing my understanding of the immune system I came across a series of YouTube videos that I think would benefit everyone...
What does it mean to be passionate?What does it mean to have passion? Let's talk.Interested in seeing archived videos or learning more about our office? Check us out:...
What Do You And An Oak Tree Have In Common? | Thoughtful ThursdayWhat do you and an oak tree have in common? Check out the video to find out! To see our archived videos or to learn more about us check...
4 Tips That Could Change Your Life | Wellness WednesdayOk guys, don't give me too hard of a time on this one. It's funny, but 100% true!
Is Your Posture Stressing You Out? | Two Minute TuesdayLast weekend I went over a study talking about neck position and your nervous system. Well, let's make this practical. Be sure to check...
Don't Get Too Comfortable | Motivation MondayI have a question for you all. What happens if water stays in one place for too long with nothing coming in or going out? It gets...
Sunday Funday | GymnasticsAlright, I hear it all the time, "I'd love for our family to be more active, but there's just nothing to do!". Well, I'm calling you out...